SEO: What is Search Engine Optimization?

SEO: What is Search Engine Optimization?

SEO: What is Search Engine Optimization?

SEO is becoming a more common phrase by the day, and we are sure you have definitely come across it in some context or the other. This blog post aims to leave you informed about this internet “phenomenon” and why it is so important to learn about it if you own a business or are planning on it. Search Engine Optimization is a powerful tool that uses the world’s most visited website to your advantage. If you provide a product or a service, it is highly unlikely that you are the only one to provide that same product or service in your area. SEO helps you gain a significant advantage over your competition.


The question is: how?

When your potential customer Googles something that you sell, SEO makes sure your company website is the first thing they see. This is not only going to get you a brand new solid lead, but also increases the probability that you are going to make a sale.
As a technical service, SEO requires a hand of expertise to ensure that your website is well-ranked on the search engine platform. As we evolve, technology evolves with us, which is why, creating brilliant content, bringing traffic on your website, or getting backlinks is not enough to be optimized for a web search. Keep reading to find out more about SEO! SEO has many sub-elements that make it work. The concept of SEO stems from ranking, where every page (not website) gets a page rank. This page rank is calculated using Google’s sophisticated algorithms, but over time, it has become highly specific about which pages are ranked higher than others.
Free SEO Tactics:
If you know how to do it right, SEO is a tool that can be used without emptying your pockets to gain traffic on your website. In this section, we will discuss some ways you can improve website hits for free using search engine optimization. Every website has two major factors that add weight to its rank.


These are:

• On-page SEO: This is built on your content. If you have excellent, shareable, searchable content, then the algorithm is your friend and will give you a higher rank. These are elements that you can control, based on the content you share and how you share it.
• Off-page SEO: Off-page SEO, on the other hand, happens in the background and includes page ranking factors off your website. Although you cannot directly control these factors, you can give them a nudge by sharing your page on other internet channels (social media, blog posts, Quora etc), gaining influencer audiences, getting featured on other web pages and more. These activities lead to backlinks and include your promotion methods, and builds from there.
It is not easy to build a website that fits the perfect criteria of SEO, which is why optimization is a recurring process.
You always need to work on it, and keep creating content people want to see. Content creation is a challenge, as there is always new content from one source or the other. It takes a lot of effort to build a viewer base on your website, and even harder to maintain it. The key is to be consistent, and recognize what works and what doesn’t.
This is why, understanding your web stats is also important.
Even with your amazing content, however, it might not be enough to get you a high page rank. If the page your customer is trying to view is unresponsive or immensely slow to load, it makes them impatient and you will lose a potential lead. Page Speed does not only depend on how fast the user’s internet connection is, but rather on the web page itself. Your website must be easy to look at, systematically built, have a good design, and must be fast to load. This increases accessibility and would greatly impact your page rank, and your overall SEO.
When it comes to developing a website for your business, it is important to take advantage of everything that could give the website leverage. This includes putting in links for other pages on your website (internal linking), and using searchable title tags that can be easily picked up by page crawlers. These links and tags can be embedded into your HTML code, and would make it even easier for the Google Page Ranking Algorithm to give your page a higher score.


Paid SEO Tactics

Apart from these ways to show up on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), you can also include paid search alternates such as Pay-per-click Ads (PPC). The biggest revenue source for Google is through these ads, and if you have a good balance between building an excellent, responsive website, and paid search, your website would be on top of the search results every time!
The Quoteship provides Digital Marketing Services which include Content Creation, Website Development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Google Ads, and more!

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